RDM Group Chicago

Cook County Property Tax Guide: Exemptions & Appeals

As the property tax season rolls in Cook County, with the first installment due on March 1 and the second in August, it’s often joked that our tax bills are as unpredictable as a Chicago forecast – but let’s focus on ways to make them more manageable!

Cook County Property Taxes

Understanding and Utilizing Exemptions

A key strategy to potentially lower your property tax bill is through exemptions. The Homeowner Exemption is particularly beneficial, offering an average savings range between $300 to $900, depending on local tax rates and assessment increases. This can make a significant difference, especially in areas with rapid assessment growth.

For seniors, the Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption can provide additional relief. On average, this exemption can save up to $300 annually. Combined with the Homeowner Exemption, the savings can be even more substantial.

The Reassessment Schedule: What You Need to Know

Property taxes in Cook County are reassessed every three years. This periodic reassessment is a critical time to review your tax bill for any significant increases. If your bill has jumped more than expected, it could be a sign to explore an appeal. You can view the Cook County reassessment schedule here.

Appealing Your Property Tax Assessment

If you believe the assessed value of your property is not accurate, there’s an opportunity to appeal. This process, which can be initiated through the Cook County Assessor’s Office or the Board of Review, involves a review of your property’s assessed value. A successful appeal could lead to a reduced assessment, lowering your overall tax bill.

While navigating property taxes can seem daunting, being proactive and informed about your exemptions and reassessment can lead to meaningful savings. It’s important to stay up-to-date with changes and deadlines to make the most of these opportunities.

For detailed information on property tax exemptions, reassessment, and the appeal process in Cook County, visit the Cook County Assessor’s Office website and the Cook County Treasurer’s Office website. With the right approach, you can potentially ease the burden of property taxes – and that’s no joke! 

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